Sunday, March 13, 2011

H & deM - de Young (cladding)

1 comment:

  1. From Josh ...

    "From our discussion last Friday "architecture for architects" came up and also the notion of taking one unfashionable element and somehow making it architecture. I was thinking of doing something with the hip-roof which popped up as well. I thought of two directions:

    - Taking its geometry, unfolding it, and reforming it, and then playing with its surface to make a new envelope and volume (or)
    - Keep it as is, fixed, and somehow make it work as "architecture for architects" by playing with its surface/materiality and new walls/elements/junctions below.

    Basically, I don't know how relevant this would be in terms of getting into a studio... Maybe if I had a site and a program it would make it less abstract? I don't want to be seen as someone obsessed with facade/pattern making, so maybe a brief and site would help... "

    Hi Josh,

    I think the key about developing the notion of designing for your peers, rather than the general public, is engaging with a discourse that is well known to Architects but not so much in the public arena. Ideas around architectural representation, process or publishing in journals would be pretty fruitful for this kind of thing. For example ... Rem Koolhaas was a screen writer for Dutch soap operas before he was an architect. Considering the notion of program mentioned above ... if you designed a TV recording studio in the manner of OMA you would be making connections to Koolhaas's previous career that fewer people are aware of ... and that has made quite an impact in terms of his Architectural writing style.

    What would be an equivalent program/site/client in terms of H&deM?

    In the Prada façade example ... you could easily read the statement "H&deM have collapsed all Architecture into the façade" in the reverse ... so no need to worries about being pigeon-holed.

